Damian & Anna


Hi! We're Damian and Anna Leverett! We have been professional actors in the Twin Cities for the past decade. We've done shows at places like the Guthrie, Park Square, Yellow Tree Theatre, Bucket Brigade, and many more. We've also produced our own theater for years under the name The Orchard Theater Collective. Now, we are excited to introduce a new ministry called Scripture Speaks, combining our love of theater and Scripture

Our mission is to bring Scripture to life using theater! 

We do that by creating original shows centered on the words and stories of Scripture and performing them everywhere we can! Churches, schools, conferences, care shelters, and beyond.

When we're not performing we also lead workshops that teach others how to memorize God's Word and use it in their everyday life, using techniques we've learned over the years as actors! We offer multi week and single day options. 

Our vision

Scripture Speaks

We believe that the Bible is the primary way God speaks to us and reveals Himself today. Through Scripture Speaks, our goal is to equip individuals to be vessels of God’s Word by teaching them how to memorize Scripture and share it with others. Memorization changes us, renewing our minds as we learn and meditate deeply on its meaning. Declaration changes not only the speaker, but very often the hearer as well, bringing God's Word to life in unique and powerful ways.

For much of church history, the Bible was experienced as an oral text and tradition. While we love and cherish our written Bibles we also have realized that the stories can really come to life for people in new ways when spoken with intention and brought to life by actors! 

What we do

We launched Scripture Speaks after a two week summer tour of Ireland, performing Scripture on street corners and town squares. This Christmas, we created The Shadow of the Star, a one person telling of the Christmas narrative from Matthew, combined with original dramatic monologues by the Leveretts.

This Spring, we are remounting our two person Ireland show, The Word Became Flesh. The Word Became Flesh is a two person dramatization of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Pulling stories from all four gospels and weaving in original music, Anna and Damian Leverett use storytelling and theatrical techniques to bring the Gospel story to life in a creative way!

We've taught multi-week workshops at churches and taught single day or weekend long workshops. We love multi-generational classes of all ages—this summer we even taught a week-long workshop exclusively for teens where they each memorized a story, Psalm, or section of an Epistle!

Ways to get involved

If you have a church, ministry, school, or other group that would enjoy a performance, contact us and set up a time to have us come and Speak the Word! Reach us at damian.leverett@cityjoy.org.

Connect with us!